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How to increase online sales?

How to increase online sales? If you are hoping for fast growth, you have chosen a good article. The question is for many people who have started an online business for themselves or have used online marketing in addition to traditional marketing.


Increasing Sales Is The Key To Any Successful Business

These methods are effective for all jobs. It doesn't matter what your particular job is. Rebuild your website with these methods and see the growth of your business. Anyone who has an online store wants to increase their sales as much as possible. The question is, how do we increase online sales?

Sometimes all you need to do is change and test a few small elements on your website, you can make dramatic changes to your marketing strategy or online store.

This process is called optimization. The goal of optimization is to increase the percentage of website visitors who become visitors and ultimately customers to buy from you.

Optimization is very important for new online businesses because it helps you get closer and closer to each visit to your website. The more visits, the more likely they are to become a buying customer, and ultimately the better your revenue will be.

How to increase sales? This guide will teach you how to quickly increase your online sales with some basic website changes. Each of these points is based on statistics or case studies that have shown an increase in sales.


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1 Ways to increase online sales

2 ways to increase online sales

3 1- Website optimization (SEO) is a way to increase online sales

3.1 Important points in site optimization (SEO)

4 2- The second way to increase online sales are technical changes to the site

4.1 Personas of the audience

4.2 How to increase online sales by increasing site traffic

4.3 Ways to increase online sales Beautiful and wonderful site design

4.4 What problem does your product solve (ways to increase online sales)

4.5 Understand the purchase process

4.6 Building trust

4.7 Demonstrate customer satisfaction

5 3- Changes in marketing methods are the most important ways to increase online sales

6 4- Using all the features of online space

7 What are the strategies to increase online sales?

8 Increasing online sales is a change in marketing methods

9 How to increase site sales

Ways To Increase Online Sales

In answer to the question how to have good internet sales? We have to tell you that your sales depend on several important factors that have been told to you below:

How to increase site sales? Here are four key pointers in moving your sales forward. We have to examine each section separately. The continuation of this article will help you to make changes in each section individually and see the effects on your sales.


Immediate money back guarantee and include the condition in your sale

In many cases, the only reason customers do not buy is the lack of a purchase guarantee. Most people still consider online shopping to be invalid. In this case, in most cases, users cancel their purchase due to lack of warranty. Certainly, the first reason for this fear and distrust and not accepting the risk of buying because of the financial issue and the risk of losing money for nothing.

Of course, all users are right about this, because they do not know about the product and they must think that if they buy the product and it is not healthy, what is the task? What if the quality of the product is different from what is described, or if the wrong product is shipped? Such questions make any user more cautious about online shopping.

So to deal with this problem and reassure users, you must provide a professional support system and return the purchase money in case of dissatisfaction to customers. In fact, it can be said that the fate of your business in this field is tied to such an issue. Even the smallest purchases for users include these parameters.

Ways To Increase Online Sales

Before making any changes, prepare a paper and a pen and answer the following. If you did not do this, please do not read the rest of the article (it will not work for you)

Write down your goals. (Increase sales through the site, social networks)

What is your sales increase? How much would you be prepared to pay for all those benefits to your life? (Specify in full. For example, 100 million tomans per year)

  • Are your goals and demands rational?
  • How Much Money Do Your Competitors Make?
  • If you are also involved in traditional marketing, how much do you sell through traditional sales (stores, shops, companies)?
  • Does your requested sales increase match your traditional sales? Or are you waiting for an astronomical figure?
  • Do you have enough strength and power for the following steps? Or are you willing to spend money or energy on your goals?

Do you have enough motivation to do hard things?

If you answered the above questions, know that you are purposeful and the following steps are simple for you.

Important Note: If your expectation from the site or online sales is not measurable and does not match the sales outside the online space, then you do not know your audience well. It is better to check your audience persona first.

·       Website optimization (SEO) is a way to increase internet sales.

How to increase online sales? How to sell online? By doing the following steps:

Having a site just without optimization is like having a store in the desert where no passers-bypass.

SEO is the most important part of online sales. If your site does not work on the keywords that lead to your better visibility and find your site faster, your site will be practically nowhere to be seen and will not come in handy. SEO helps you to be better seen by users and they will come to you. So, it is better to know the basic concepts of SEO.



Suppose you are a seller of ladies' ball gowns and you have designed a site for yourself. Women who are looking for ball gowns during the day, first search the internet to see what new models and colors are in order to have a default in mind and then go shopping. How to increase online sales?

When a woman searches for the word "new ball gown" on the Internet and your site is on the first page of Google, as well as you have followed the basic tips of marketing and sales strategies in SEO, she will visit your site and choose the dress she wants. If you have good marketing and your site is designed to be principled, do not doubt that the purchase will be done online or in your store.

The customer will not let you go when he finds the clothes he wants. So, the solution is to increase online sales. You do not need to look for sales tricks, a few simple tips will change you. How to increase online sales? The first answer to this question is SEO and why we should pay attention to SEO.

  • Important points in site optimization (SEO)
  • How to have good online sales? How to increase SEO?

If you cannot do this yourself, be sure to seek advice. Free SEO consulting is available at any company that works in this field. Use this feature.

The next important point in SEO is the production of unique content. Do not copy and have your own site-specific content.

Don't just produce content. Producing quality content is the best way to increase sales on the Internet. Generate content for the user, not just to promote the site.

The most important guide to increasing online sales is to use the best keywords to generate content. The right keyword will attract more users to you. Remember that SEO techniques are one of the first basics of SEO on your site. Be sure to follow the instructions in the SEO technique.

  • The second way to increase online sales is the technical changes of the site

How to increase online sales? The important question is put yourself in the customer's shoes. Are you willing to buy from your own site? You have paid for the website design, but you still do not have sales. Even SEO has been done on your site, but you do not see its effects? Your site is not user friendly. Ways to increase online sales after SEO is to have a principled and technical site as well as proper marketing in it. Which we will refer to below.

The more people feel that the offer is more appropriate and specific to them, the more likely they are to become customers.

How to increase online sales?

Let me prove it to you. A simple example: Suppose you want to buy shoes for work. Important list:

  • Your gender
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Where you normally work.

Now, do you prefer to buy medical shoes suitable for the workplace, or shoes designed for your gender, age group, weight and size, as well as the type of use you have?

No need to worry, your answer is yes. This means the persona of the audience. Your goal is to identify customer groups - customer needs, wants and uses. The buyer persona is actually a specific group of potential customers, a specific person to whom you want to offer and sell your product.

The technical changes of your site for the buyer persona will make you talk to the customer about their wants and needs. People care about themselves and expect mutual importance from you, which is why customer personalities are so important to marketing success. Basically, it means who you sell to, their situation, what they think, their needs and their doubts. If you know your customer exactly and know what he wants, then take your site to the audience's wishes.

How to increase online sales? Increase site traffic

It is almost impossible for people to buy website traffic things that they do not need or do not want. Suppose you are a laptop seller and somehow take me to your site, I will not buy it.

I have already bought a laptop and now I do not need to buy another one. So your product has nothing to do with me and I will not be your customer.

How to increase online sales?

A key element of high traffic is attracting the right people. If you do not waste resources that generate traffic, you will increase your sales. As a marketer, one of your steady jobs is finding the right marketing mix:

  • Suitable media for advertising (free or paid)
  • Correct and attractive message
  • Appropriate offer

If you choose the right media and put good ads and content, you have the greatest marketing service for your business. The audience persona with the appropriate advertising media is the miracle of increasing the sales of your online store. How to increase online sales? With wonderful site design.

One of the ways to increase online sales is to design a beautiful and wonderful site

How to start a website design?


In short: beautiful design sells better than ugly design. Beautiful does not mean using all kinds of effects and all colors and motion effects. Beautiful, simple and functional

How do we know our site is not beautiful?

If you made your own site and you are not an experienced site designer and you have not designed over 20 sites before, unfortunately I have to say that your site is not beautiful.

Your site is not suitable if you have left your site to freelancers or unreliable people and have not used neural marketing techniques on the site.

We've seen a lot of ugly websites that their owners think look great. Beauty is important in the eyes of the viewer. What problem does your product solve (ways to increase online sales)

The marketing summary for the online store is as follows. If you want to know how to increase online sales? How your product solves customers' problems or improves their situation. Just a product photo or a description of your work can not help you sell.

Offer special benefits (value) and tell customers why they should buy from you and not your competitor.

Change the design of the store site or the design of the company site according to the needs of people and customers.

Understand the purchase process

Put yourself in the customer's shoes and see what they need to do to buy from you or your site. And then to answer the question how to increase online sales? You will arrive.How to increase online sales?

The important thing is that they come directly to buy, but what do you do? You request to register immediately. Why should they register? The customer comes to buy the product and you say irrelevant things to him.

How do you trust and buy from a site? The customer will not buy from you until they feel that you are a reputable site. But below we have written the methods of building trust for you:

Customer Survey (Ask Customer to Write a Review About Your Site)

Read other people's comments (Other users' comments have a great impact on ways to increase online sales)

Feedback and customer feedback work better than all trust-building tools and methods. Publishing screenshots of your customers' messages on your Instagram page or advertising telegram channel is one of the most important ways to build customer trust. Introducing satisfied customers from the tools to increase the popularity of your brand. Sharing content generated by your customers is another thing that can be used to show audience satisfaction. In this method, you should ask customers to take a photo with the product they bought from you and send it to you. Be sure to record customer satisfaction somewhere on your website or social network so that any user who comes to your product can see this section and make an easier decision by reviewing this section.

·       Changes in marketing methods are the most important ways to increase online sales

Once you have decided on the SEO and major changes to your site, it's time for your marketing style. Do not always leave everything to search and find you through Google. Take action yourself and help improve shopping conditions. You must be wondering how to increase internet sales? The following tips will help you in this way.

In addition to SEO, help your site get more traffic. How to increase online sales

Send attractive and provocative text messages to the site through customers who have bought from you and are familiar with you and introduce new products or services. Suitable even for potential customers who have not even heard your name.

Benefits of Online Shopping

Ask customers to buy from the site. For those who buy from the site, give a special advantage or a special opportunity to visit your site.

  • Online advertising

Use online advertising. Collaborate with sites related to your product and request advertising so that you can use these strategies to increase online sales.

  • Special telemarketing

Finish calling home or business with dull marketing. Instead, promote your site and ask people and companies on the phone to visit these specific products. Instead of focusing on marketing, let people see your quality.

  • Using all the facilities of online space


Another answer to this question is how to increase online sales? Master of social networks. If you are careful, Instagram is currently the most important social network operating in Iran. But how does it lead to more sales? First of all, you need to know what is Instagram strategy? Then you need to go to the content production strategy on Instagram and determine for your business what content is right for your users.

This program will be of great benefit to you if you know well how to increase followers and use its features. If you do not have enough time and ability in this field, outsource the cost of managing your Instagram page and watch your page grow. Do not forget that these programs are a privilege for you. Do not neglect any of them.

last word

Instead of using website traffic packages of the methods mentioned in this article, try a combination of these methods and enjoy your online sales. Website design alone cannot help you sell. You need to help your page grow. Instead of talking about how to sell well online every day, get started now and get advice.